Process Guide and Journeys


Whether developing a green infrastructure strategy, seeking to successfully incorporate green infrastructure into a development proposal or making long term plans for a local area, the process journeys should help embed Green Infrastructure informed decision making across and between organisations. All the process journeys advocate involving a wide range of stakeholders, including from outside the planning system. The aim is to guide better integration of green infrastructure in new development and improved management of existing Green Infrastructure. The process journeys all refer to the Natural England Green Infrastructure Principles, Headline Green Infrastructure Standards, Green Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide, on-line Green Infrastructure Mapping Database and User Guide, which be used to address local needs and respond to local opportunities.

Each Process Journey provides:

  • An overview diagram showing recommended steps to take
  • A flowchart showing more detail on the steps to take and relationships to the Green Infrastructure Framework’s Principles
  • Suggested actions to take at each stage of the process

In addition, each step of the Journey includes related links to on-line resources such as Government policy and guidance, evidence which supports the theory behind the step and relevant tools.

Please download these documents to explore the Green Infrastructure Process Journeys.

Process Journey for Neighbourhood Planning Groups PDF

Process Journey for Neighbourhood Planning Groups (NE 2023)

A guide on incorporating Green Infrastructure into Neighbourhood Plans using the Green Infrastructure Framework - Principles and Standards for England.

Developers and Design Teams Process Journey PDF

Developers and Design Teams Process Journey (NE 2023)

A guide on incorporating Green Infrastructure into Development using the Green Infrastructure Framework - Principles and Standards for England.

Process Guide for Local Planning Authorities

The updated Process Guide for Local Planning Authorities replaces the previous version “Process Journey for Local Planning Authorities (NE 2023)”. The updated Process Guide for Local Authorities sets out a six stage best practice process for developing a green infrastructure strategy and integrating green infrastructure policies into Local Plans. The Process Guide includes a number of Appendices with further information, guidance and case studies.

Process Journey for Local Planning Authorities PDF

Process Guide for Local Planning Authorities (NE2024)

A guide on developing Green Infrastructure Policies and Strategies using the Green Infrastructure Framework - Principles and Standards for England.

The Urban Tree Canopy Cover Standard User Guide is currently in development and will be available later this year.


Policy Context - Appendix 1 PDF

Policy Context - Appendix 1 (NE2024)

Data Wish List for GI Strategy - Appendix 2 PDF

Data Wish List for GI Strategy - Appendix 2 (NE2024)

GI Policy Review Checklist - Appendix 3 PDF

GI Policy Review Checklist - Appendix 3 (NE2024)

Accessible Greenspace Standard User Guide Interim - Appendix 4 PDF

Accessible Greenspace Standard User Guide Interim - Appendix 4 (NE2024)

Urban Greening Factor for England User Guide - Appendix 5 PDF

Urban Greening Factor for England User Guide - Appendix 5 (NE2024)

Urban Nature Recovery Standard User Guide - Appendix 6 PDF

Urban Nature Recovery Standard User Guide - Appendix 6 (NE2024)

Urban Tree Canopy Cover Standard User Guide – Appendix 7 PDF

Urban Tree Canopy Cover Standard User Guide – Appendix 7 (in development, available at a later date)

Case Studies - Appendix 8 PDF

Case Studies - Appendix 8 (NE2024)

Green Infrastructure Policy Examples - Appendix 9 PDF

Green Infrastructure Policy Examples - Appendix 9 (NE2024)

Guidance, Standards and Tools table - Appendix 10 PDF

Guidance, Standards and Tools table - Appendix 10 (NE2024)

Mayfield Park
Image credit: Martin Moss (Natural England), Mayfield Park, 2022