Find out what green infrastructure is and why it matters.
An overview of Natural England’s Green Infrastructure Framework - including context for the Framework, and the Green Infrastructure Standards. (13 mins)
Watch the GI Mapping Database Version 2.1 webinar to find out more about the new features including Census 21 data.
Download the slides here (large file 300MB).
An overview of the Green Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide, and how it can complement the National Design Guide and Code. (6 mins)
Consultant Gary Grant talks you through the GI Design Guide.
Homes England Winter Learning Webinar – Exploring the role of urban greening in housing development.
The Urban Greening Factor, is one of five headline standards and a planning tool that is relatively simple to use. When combined with other planning measures it can increase urban greening in an area and supports delivery of mandatory BNG. UGFs provide a mechanism to support planning, design and decision making to improve the quantity, quality and functionality of green infrastructure in urban districts.
The Urban Tree Canopy Cover Standard is another headline standard that stipulates a locally agreed percentage increase in tree canopy on a defined local baseline. Jim Smith and Tina Shilleto from the Forestry Commission discuss application of the Urban Tree Canopy standard and Bryan Cosgrove from Manchester’s City of Trees provides an excellent case study.
This webinar provides updates on new (GI) Framework products and progress made since the launch. A presentation on integration between BNG and GI and new case study films. Keynote speeches from Joanna Averley, Chief Planner Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and Alan Law, Chief Officer for Strategy and Reform, Natural England. (90 mins)