A freely available tool providing GI Mapping layers and analyses, and the GI Mapping Database User Guide
Defra and Natural England have developed an England-wide Green Infrastructure mapping database, bringing together data from around 50 sources of environmental and socio-economic data. It will provide an England level baseline and assist local authorities and other stakeholders to assess green infrastructure provision against the emerging GI Standards.
Local authorities and others may use the content of Version 1.2 for planning, monitoring and evaluating the provision of GI, and may wish to add more detailed local data to supplement the national data. At very local levels the maps will require the import of local data and are likely to require some ground truthing to iron out discrepancies and errors between the national data and the situations on the ground. The maps are intended (with appropriate supplementary data) to help in the development of local plans, policies and GI strategies. They can be used in engagement with stakeholders, including developers and communities, to help identify priorities for GI enhancement and creation, and to address inequalities in access to green space.
LEARN MOREData from Natural England’s Monitor of Engagement in the Nature Environment and People and Nature Survey shows:
Given that most visits to greenspace are within 1 mile from home, our initial analysis focused on access to greenspace in the three ‘closest to home’ criteria of the updated Accessible Greenspace Standards (previously Accessible Natural Greenspace Standards ANGST):
Please see Glossary for full definitions of greenspace.
Our initial high-level analysis of the GI Mapping Database focused on extracting some basic statistics from the spatial data. Work to understand the margins for error in the data is ongoing and any figures extracted are those that can be detected in the data in its current form with no correction for error. Initial analysis figures must thus be read with some caution.
Our initial analysis of the three most local Accessible Greenspace Standards buffers (straight-line distances) tells us that across urban and rural areas in England:
When considered together, these three most local Accessible Greenspace Standards buffers allow us to form a composite picture of access to different sizes of greenspace within a '15-minute walk zone' (based on a straight-line distance of 1km from home). Initial findings (see caveats and limitations) suggest that:
The assessment of access to greenspace within a '15-minute walk zone' is based on living within at least one of the three local Accessible Greenspace Standards buffers:
This is a proxy analysis and the reality on the ground may mean that some areas within this composite analysis will involve walking for much less than 15 minutes to the smaller sites. In other other cases walking distance will be longer than 1km and take longer to walk than 15 minutes due to the street pattern and barriers such as major roads railways and rivers, and especially for slower walkers such as the young and elderly.
The analysis uses Census 2011 population figures. The mapping will be updated with Census 21 figures for the next iteration.
In future the GI Framework will include mapping and analyses in the following areas:
Due to the evolving and complex nature of the mapping research, these are only initial and partial findings – they are not definitive and may change as we continue to evolve our analysis. Caveats, limitations and assumption are set out in the GI Mapping Database User Guide (Sections 4 and 5 should be referred to for more detail).